SFS@BAMA Application Materials

Priority consideration for the Fall 2024 cohort will be given to those who complete the application submission process prior to 28 February 2024. Please note that applications will be reviewed as they are received, and there is no guarantee that a space will still be available by or beyond the priority consideration date. The final deadline was 15 April 2024. No applications for the Fall 2024 cohort will be accepted after that date.

All applicants are required to complete the Student Application Form. Prior to completing the Student Application Form, you should perform the following tasks. (The Application Form will ask for this information)

  1. Prepare a resume including key skills and work experience, as well as a list of academic recognitions, awards, honors and distinctions that you have received
  2. Write a two-page essay describing your:
    • Interest in the SFS@BAMA program
    • Goals and motivations to pursue a career in U.S. Civil Service
    • Leadership potential and commitment to service
    • Knowledge and interest in the Cyber Security field
  3. Read through the following documents, completely (the application will ask you to certify you have read them)